Or: Why are the glaciers of the world melting down,
if it is neither due to a rise in the overall temperature nor to CO2
Recent satellite data show that there has been no warming up of
the planet in general since the late 1990s. This contradicts the normal
information given to the public by the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change, regarded as being the most reliable institution on
questions of climate change. This has been the topic of a recent hearing
of the US-Senate on the question. It seems that the IPCC is relying on
statistical assumptions alone and cannot explain the reality
It is my thesis that if the planet is not warming up it is nevertheless drying out.
This is a very different perspective, as the drying out does not necessarily have to do with the temperature alone or at all.
The “temperature” may even be a dubious concept.
A growing temperature anywhere on earth is unlikely to be the result
of growing CO2 emissions, as contended by the IPCC and others. In fact,
if there is a warming up at all, it is not occurring low on earth where
the CO2 sinks down, but higher up in the atmosphere.
This is partly due to the ionizing of the Ionosphere through the
EM-emissions of “Ionospheric heaters” like Haarp in Alaska and estimated
two dozen more installations on the planet.
Additionally something else is coming down from above –
the heavy metals sprayed via “solar radiation management” –
– activities or “stratospheric geoengineering”, as we call it, be it
through civil or more likely military geoengineering. They mainly
consist of aluminium, barium and other metals and materials.
Something is coming down from above that works as or like a “warming”
and effects especially the glaciers in the mountains, and makes them
Whatever the reasons are, it is clear that we can already foresee a
future without sufficient fresh water, as 70% of the freshwater are
packed within the glaciers and the ice of the poles.
The melting of the glaciers, therefore, happens without a general
warming, and it happens independently from producing CO2 or not.
If we want to stop it, and we will have to stop it, if we want to
survive on this planet, we have to know the real reasons why it is
happening that the glaciers are melting down – and a very high speed!
Even if they did not affect the overall temperature, the temperatures
on the mountains seem to have grown indeed. How and why so? Where does a
“temperature” come from, and what else is important for its effect?
A personal experience:
On the 16
th of March in 2017, I had to drive by car from
Innsbruck in Tirol, Austria, to Salzburg, and back. I started in the
morning at about 8.30 and soon I was wondering about the air. It was a
sunny day, early spring, and it was if I was driving through a cloud,
but not a humid one. It appeared like the summer haze of June/July that
is the result of humidity dissolving with the sun rising. But it was
only March, and there was no humidity at all. Everything was completely
dry, though I could still see the snow in the mountains. Second, I was
wondering about the light. Though the sun was blocked by the haze, the
light was blinding, very aggressive and bright, but in a strange way,
and I had to protect the eyes for not having to look into it. There was
dust around on the road, in the fields and the landscapes. It was
difficult to concentrate on driving because there were nearly no colours
around, the road, the cars and the surroundings looking the same way as
if they were all light grey.
Soon I felt my eyes burning and scratching as if some sand had touched them or if I were completely tired and had to close them.
I arrived at the location near Salzburg where I had to do some work
together with a friend. Afterwards we sat on her terrace outside in her
garden, the faces turned to the sun. I felt, nevertheless, I could
nearly not open my eyes, as the aggressive heat of a sun buried behind a
thick haze, hit me and burned me, scratched me and made me feel always
more uncomfortable.
I thought this to be a rather strange day in spring, where one
prefers to go back into the house instead of enjoying one of the first
nice days of the year.
Then I drove back to Innsbruck. It was afternoon, and still the same
experience. After a while, I started to get angry. The light was still
shrill and piercing, I had to put on the sunglasses because otherwise I
wouldn’t see enough, something that never has happened to me before. The
haze was still everywhere and the landscape could nearly not be seen.
Eyes, nose, throat scratching, and very tired and frustrated I
approached the city. Suddenly, I had left the “cloud” and drove under a
blue sky, the sun full shining and colours appearing around me. At the
same moment, the scratching was over, normal breathing, no piercing
light any more though the sun was not behind a haze any more….
This was the proof! The whole had to do with the cloud, this dry aggressive, thick and hazy cloud. What was it about?
I first had to go to a Shopping Centre. When I entered it the air was
so clean and fresh, that I was shocked realizing the difference with
the air I had been breathing the whole day already outside.
When coming home I started thinking about this strange experience. During that night I started to get it:
I had been driving in a SRM – solar radiation management –
or stratospheric geoengineering cloud on the ground! They – whoever
they are – released it below the stratosphere in the lower troposphere
next to the ground! So, what other people and I were experiencing that
day was having been inside of a cloud of aluminium, barium and I don’t
know what else. A heavy metal like aluminium, however, must have been
responsible for the effects of burning and scratching, making the light
piercing as it reflects it and functions like a multiple solar panel,
together with it being materially in the air – as Nano-particulates!
This is why it felt so aggressive, unnatural, disturbed and frustrated.
It felt like an attack on one’s own life.
And – it was unnaturally and aggressively “hot” and super-dry!
Why? This we know:
The aluminium in the sprayings takes all the humidity out
of the air, so that even thunderstorms that occur under these
conditions pass without a single rain shower.
Didn’t I observe this effect of a drying out of everything many times already?
Didn’t I see the grey dust running through the dry city several days ago as well?
Didn’t two years ago a mountain-wood burned down in Tirol – in the middle of the wettest season of the year in March too?
Didn’t I miss these days where it is raining the whole day, not too much, but going on persistently?
Didn’t I observe this strange aggressive, blinding and piercing light/heat already in the 1990s, which feels like poison?
Yes, it is poison! The difference being only that normally we are not
walking in the middle of such a metal cloud, but get it through the
air, when it comes down from the stratosphere. This is not so shocking
but finally the same…
It makes clear that somebody is experimenting with us, does not like
us, and is keen enough to even attack us directly, mocking at us,
because most of the people who made the same experience may not have
understood it the same way. My way is that we are “weaponized”, turned
into metallic monsters, machines that can receive orders or stop living
if it is wanted, cyborgs that have started to not live a genuine organic
life anymore… science fiction becoming real?
There is, nevertheless, something,which exceeds my personal feeling and experience.
The glaciers’ experience?
It has to do with the fact that SRM-sprayings or stratospheric
geoengineering-measures are taking place every day and everywhere on
this planet, their effects being maybe comparable. Using heavy metals,
the sprayings attract and absorb the humidity of the air, reflect the
white of the glaciers and turn it into piercing light and local heat as
if working with millions of mirrors or solar panels, burning and drying
down snow and ice, leaving a dry rocky poisoned desert…
If this is the real reason, why the glaciers are melting or “drying
down”, why did nobody find out about it yet, or did not make it public,
and what does this mean?
It means that it is not CO2, which is responsible for the melting of
glaciers, and it is not a general warming, but an “artificial”, local
one, combined with/ expressed in a drying process. This “warming” is the
result of the artificial existence of metals in the air, that change
the air and the temperature at the same time, drying the humidity of the
air radically out and producing an artificial, non-meteorological
“heat”, resulting from the meeting of metallic mirrors with snow/ice,
dry air and sunlight.
It may be a “collateral damage” of the activities of people who gain
from it – be it for businesses at the stock exchange, be it for gaining
much, much power over this planet. Because, what do we know about
geoengineering and its aims and methods, even beyond SRM-sprayings? We
know, for instance, that the latter are needed in order to guide
EM-waves, to guide storms and freak weather, and to build bridges over
Ozone holes…
This means that we would need to change nothing less than
profit-interests and even military ones in order to save the glaciers
and with them our freshwater and our future as humanity.
Why is it not enough that these interest groups must have an interest in saving them too?
Of the Arctic, by the way, we know that it is melting, because
Electromagnetic extreme low frequency –“ELF”-waves – have been used to
produce this effect, starting in 1974 already. The interests behind that
crime have won. They can now get to the resources under the ice shield…
They started to do it already.
Again, all this has nothing to do with CO2 and “global warming”…
What can we, the people, do? What should we do to stop these crimes
going on? Together with the soil, the air and the sun, the light, it is
the element Water that is now endangered, representing literally our
soul itself, the Love we may feel for this life… or not anymore? It is
time to take a decision. Without enough freshwater there will be nearly
no life on earth anymore. We have to stop Geoengineering!
Claudia von Werlhof is Professor of Political Science and Women’s Studies, University Innsbruck, Austria.