Mittwoch, 20. August 2008

Ein Sommernachtstraum?

unter dem titel "SOMMERNACHTSTRAUM - Europas schönstes Gartenfest" hat die firma event it aus der eleonorenstraße in hannover-linden jetzt die onlinekartenbestellung fürs sommerbiwak der 1. panzerdivision, der eingreiftruppe vom hindukusch, geschlossen. bis zum 18.8. konnte sich dort jemand anmelden, der nachweisen konnte, schonmal bei dem militärevent gewesen zu sein oder seine positive einstellung dazu zu haben. es wurde also offensichtlich noch ziviles publikum für den 22.08. gesucht. alle soldaten treten ohnehin in gesellschaftsanzügen auf, sind also als solche nicht zu erkennen.
mein post-eintrag dazu von gestern hatte große resonanz unter meinen freunden und bekannten. eine politik-professorin aus österreich regte an, die landebahnen für die massentransporte richtung kriegsschauplätze zu besetzen. sie fragt: was sagt die 'friedensbewegung' dazu? und: die leute tun ja immer so, als wäre der krieg in fernen ländern, mit denen man nichts zu tun hat. dabei kommt er von hier!
und: übrigens, zu den folgen bei den eingesetzten soldaten gibt es einen hervorragenden Autor aus den USA, selbst ex-Militär: Dave Grossman. Sein Buch "On Killing. The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society" von 1995 ist inzwischen auch auf deutsch erschienen.
und prof. bernhard taureck schickte den bericht eines amerikaners, der dort nicht mehr leben kann:


This Document is deadly. It means Surrender, surrendering the independence of your country and surrendering your personal freedoms. The European Union will become, "legally", a police-state Empire.

Sections in this Report:

"Background Information" (describing what we already know, in historical fact, about the EU)

"Lisbon Treaty Deceptions".

"Anschluss-'Warsaw Pact' Clauses" (which allow the EU to use an Army to invade and occupy Member States of the EU);

the "Militarization" section (which. among other things, forces Member States to militarize);

the section on "Further Centralization of Power", abolishing many crucial Veto powers of the Member States; and making the unelected, unaccountable European Commission a fully-empowered Dictatorship.

"Gestapo clauses", making the EU into a police state where no courts of law have jurisdiction over the Police, and there is no protection for personal freedoms or democratic processes.

"Final Provisions" (stating that the Treaty runs for an "unlimited period" --- That spells the end of Freedom in Europe)

I Background Information to the Treaty:

In evaluating any Treaty (or Contract), it is elementary to evaluate first the Institution (or person) that offers you the Treaty to sign. This is especially true in the case of the European Union where the EU and the Governments that support it do not want the Sovereign People to have a referendum. This alone is extremely suspicious. What significance has the French, Dutch, and now Irish votes had, except for further revealing the tyrannical character of the European Union.

What is the moral and political Character of the European Union?

The EU is:

(a) an undemocratic, dictatorial Empire in which real power lies in the corrupt, unelected, unaccountable (except to its corporate Masters) European Commission (one year, the entire Commission resigned because the corruption was so heavy and obvious).

(b) the Parliament, always the governmental branch closest to the People and most democratic, is a virtually powerless talking shop -- a joke;

(c) the power behind the EU (and European Commission) are corporate Cartels (especially the Chemical-Drug-Biotechnology Cartel, Banking Cartel, and American-British Oil Cartel. Also important is the Military-Industrial Complex; all of the Cartels are closely related through interlocking stock ownership, directorates, and mutual interests)
(The former Prime Minister of Britain, Harold Wilson, referred to the Treaty of Rome as "the Magna Carta of the Western European Multinationals". Recently, the Labour MP Alan Simpson described the EU as the "handmaiden of Corporate interests".)
(So powerful is the Corporate Cartel thrust to betray their individual countries to the EU Empire that not even Margaret Thatcher, prime minister of Britain for 11 years, could oppose it. At the height of her long period of Conservative-rightwing corporate political leadership, the darling of Britain's corporate cartel Oligarchy, she gave an anti-EU speech in Bruges and was ousted from power in an internal Conservative Party coup.)

(d) Germany and its secret partner, the superpower United States (its giant corporations & the U.S. Government which is dominated by these Corporations), form a crucial Axis of Power in the EU.
((Note: Contrary to popular msiconception derived from subtle EU propaganda claiming that the EU is a counterweight to the United States, the EU and USA are not opponents, but partners in a New fascistic World Order. That's the reason the CIA spent a decade working for the establishment of the European Union, why Pres. George W. Bush offered PM Blair to come to England and campaign for the EU Constitution, why Bush welcomed EU expansion, the reason the EU aided the CIA 'renditions' of kidnapped persons, and why David Rockefeller (chief of the vast Rockefeller corporate empire) has been such a staunch proponent of the EU. The EU and USA only differ over strategy and tactics, and the division of the spoils.))

(e) These corporate Cartels and German-American Axis hide themselves behind a faceless bureaucracy in Brussels.

(f) European Union decision-making occurs behind closed doors, with secret, hidden processes; there is little transparency (if any) in the operations of the dominant European Commission.

(g) And there is much to hide: the EU has never passed an Audit (because of Corruption; if it ever does pass one, you can safely wager it occurred via bribery & intimidation), and, a few years ago, the woman in charge of auditing was fired for refusing to pass the Audit; indeed, a journalist who exposed EU corrupt dealings was arrested by the police and his computer, etc., confiscated.

(h) Major Policies of the EU include (Ask yourself Who benefits? from these policies. Herein lies objective proof of Who dominates the European Union, what pythonic power and wealth lies silently behind the faceless Brussels bureaucracy):

--- Genetic Engineering (GM, GMOs) and the unconscionable, sacrilegious Patents on Life -- endangering food safety, the safety of medicines, Nature and biodiversity, and threatening the livelihoods of small-family Farmers everywhere in the world; the European Commission funded a pro-GMO publication to the tune of 500,000 Euros

--- the de-regulation of radioactivity (Directive 96/29 Euratom) so that unbelievably poisonous radioactive wastes can be disposed of by dispersing them into the environment -- including consumer and household goods (How many of my readers knew that?)

--- the diminishing (and destruction) of democratic institutions and personal freedoms, often in the false name of "counter-terrorism"; but when EU officials call environmental protestors (protesting against Corporate Policies) "terrorists" and "potential terrorists", we need to understand what -- and who -- lies behind such slander.
On the subject of so-called 'Terrorism': Never ever allow politicians to take away your democratic freedoms and human rights because they claim it is necessary to defend you from this or from that. Don't allow it. Remember the Reichstag Fire that led to Hitler's Enabling Act. Remember.

--- the rights of the Member States have already been severely diminished by the EU. In Britain, for example, the EU has issued over 100,000 directives and regulations to the British government, and 70% of of British laws implement these EU Directives -- a terrible loss of Sovereignty;

--- Member States have already lost much control of their Economies, having lost their currency, and also are subject to the overriding power of the European Central Bank (in Frankfurt, Germany, headquarters of Europe's biggest bank, the Deutsche Bank).
These critical economic and financial losses were NOT democratically decided, but the result of secret, illicit deals between puppet-governments and the EU.

--- a variety of policies which favor giant corporations and discriminate against small- and medium-sized businesses;
--- a variety of policies which assist the corporate Cartels to dominate and exploit the Third World, policies particularly harmful to hundreds of millions of small-family farmers; Note that many thousands of farmers in Europe lose their livelihoods every year.

--- increasing Militarization, by the EU itself and by means of EU support for American military invasions;
Germany, one of the Axis Powers in the EU, has been re-militarizing.
German soldiers are now in the Balkans, Afghanistan, Sudan, Djibouti, Congo (a mineral-rich land where the EU has sent a military force) and Lebanon. In the newspaper Independent (UK), 27 October 2006, we read: "German troops pose with skull and NATO forces kill 85 civilians in Afghanistan". In the Independent of 25 October 2006, we read, "German ministers knew about CIA torture cells . . . . . German special forces ((in Afghanistan)) assisted in interrogation", evidently involving torture.

--- the EU has rendered assistance to the American secret police in its kidnapping of people and sending them out for imprisonment (and torture) in secret places.

This is what we know of the European Union to date.

Therefore, QUESTION: Without looking at the Lisbon Treaty, how would you evaluate the moral and political Character of the Institution that authors this Treaty, and wants You to be bound and obligated to obey it?


NOTE: Giant Corporations & Cartels have two principal methods for dominating Governments and Societies: (1) bribery of the political system, and (2) corporate mass media Thought Control.
So these are the primary reasons that Governments in Europe have been willing to betray their country and countrymen to the EU Empire, and the primary reasons that the People have not effectively opposed this tyrannical and growing Empire.
((That is why we must create our own Grassroots Mass Media to educate and political activate (mobilize) the People.))


The Lisbon Treaty is a fascistic Surrender document. The authors of the Treaty have attempted to hide the dark, sinister character of this Treaty in a number of ways.

1. The Treaty is NOT more democratic and freedom-loving than the previous Surrender Document called the "Constitution". (Words like "democracy", "freedom", "equality", "justice" are placed here-and-there in the Preamble and Provisions with no substance whatever to these glittering words.) The Lisbon Treaty is essentially the same as the lethal Constitution, but even worse.

2. The Lisbon Treaty has been substituted for the rejected, essentially similar Constitution as an unscrupulous means for avoiding popular referendums.

3. The menacing character of the text is obscured by having a long, long treaty (250 pages) that few people will carefully read.

4. The Treaty amends previous treaties. The Lisbon Treaty makes the task of understanding it unusually difficult by stating the amendment to Articles of the previous treaty, but not quoting the text that is being amended.

5. Subtle phrasing has a cosmetic look or neutral sound, but a close look reveals the dark meaning. For example, "The European Parliament shall be kept fully informed." -- this conceals the fact that the Parliament has been made helpless, and may only be "informed".

6. EU-obligated Ministers have been signing the Treaty in the name of the People of the country, but working against the People actually having a voice by referendum. And Member State spokesmen favoring the Lisbon Treaty have made hundreds of false public statements about the so-called 'progressive' nature of this repulsive, traitorous Treaty.


III. Anschluss--'Warsaw Pact' Clauses

By "Anschluss", I mean that the The European Union has been trying to do what Nazi Germany in fact accomplished in 1938 --- destroying the independence of Austria and putting a complete end to freedom.

The Lisbon Treaty surrenders a nation-state to the European Union empire.

(Note to German readers: The page number of the English text that I quote is the same in the German text of the Treaty. Please turn to the German text of the Treaty. Google search: Europa-EU vertrag von Lissabon )

1. EU law is superior to Member State law.

Clause 236 (page 114), Article 249 C (1) "Member States shall adopt all measures of national law necessary to implement legally binding Union acts."

The Member States must obey all EU Directives.

2. Qualified Majority Voting. The Lisbon Treaty, in many many important areas, abolishes the Veto that Member States had. Instead of requiring Unanimity, the EU extends Qualified Majority Voting (QMV).

This means that little more than one-half of the votes of the European Council, constituting little more than 50% of the population of the EU, need be obtained by the unelected, unaccountable, dictatorial European Commission in order to become law.

QMV extends, for example, to foreign affairs, security policy, armaments, criminal justice and the police, immigration.

Moreover, Qualified Majority Voting now means that the smaller States, generally, lose about one-half their voting strength, while Germany, for instance, doubles its strength.

3. SOLIDARITY Clause --- This is the 'Warsaw Pact' provision that legally allows the EU to do what the Soviet Union did to Czechoslovakia in 1968. This is a key Anschluss clause.

Clause 176 (page 100), Article 188 R 1. "The Union and its Member States shall act jointly in a spirit of solidarity if a Member State is the object of a terrorist attack or the victim of a natural or man-made disaster. The Union shall mobilise all the instruments at its disposal, including the military resources made available by the Member States, to:

(a) --- Prevent the terrorist threat in the territory of the Member States;

((so it need only be a "threat", and the EU, or friendly official in a Member State, will determine what is a "threat" and what is a "terrorist". In Britain under the Civil Contingencies Act (New Labour's version of Hitler's Enabling Act) almost anything under the sun could constitute a "threat" that would allow the Government to declare an Emergency, shut down all democratic procedures and shut off all personal liberties.))

--- protect democratic institutions and the civilian population from a terrorist attack;

--- assist a Member State in its territory, at the request of its political authorities, in the event of a terrorist attack;

(b) assist a Member State in its territory, at the request of its political authorities, in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.

((a flood might be a "natural disaster"; the demolition of a building might be a "man-made disaster"))

2. Should a Member State be the object of a natural or man-made disaster, the other member States shall assist it, at the request of its political authorities.

3. The arrangements for the implementation by the Union of the solidarity clause shall be defined by a decision adopted by the Council acting on a joint proposal by the ((unelected, unaccountable)) Commission and the ((unelected, unaccountable)) High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. . . . The European Parliament shall be informed ((a bystander, as usual))."

In other words, the EU (i.e. the unelected, unaccountable, Cartel-dominated, dictatorial Commission), or an EU-owned politician in a Member State, will decide what constitutes a "terrorist threat", or a "natural disaster" or a "man-made disaster". (Any Government secret service can easily fabricate such an incident. Germany's Reichstag Fire and America's Tonkin Gulf pretence are among the many such historical examples of fabricated incidents.) Then an EU Army can ("legally") invade and occupy a Member State.

4. Additional 'Warsaw Pact' provisions --- Article 49, Section 2, (c), number 7 (page 35), "Provisions On The Common Security and Defense Policy"

"If a Member State is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other Member States shall have towards it an obligation of aid and assistance by all means in their power."
"Armed aggression" could mean a type of violence (easily contrived by a secret service) that gains the front-page of newspapers but has little real significance. Or a labor strike or environmental protest demonstration where some violence occurred. This could justify an EU-directed army to invade that Member State and occupy it.

5. The Enabling Provision of the Common Security and Defence Policy / 'Warsaw Pact'

Number 5 of Clause 49, Section 2, (c) is a sweeping, carte blanche provision which can be employed to justify the use of EU military force whenever it wishes for whatever purpose. It reads:

"The Council may entrust the execution of a task, within the Union framework, to a group of Member States in order to protect the Union's values and serve its interests.

6. "Territorial Cohesion"

Protocol 23 (p.192), entitled "Protocol on Economic, Social and Terriitorial Cohesion") states: (a) throughout the Protocol, the words 'economic and social cohesion' shall be replaced by 'economic, social and territorial cohesion'

The addition of "territorial" cohesion to the previous phrase reinforces the evil appearance of the Solidarity Clause and Common Security and Defence Policy.


IV. Militarization -- "Provisions on the Common Security and Defence Policy"

Clause 49, Section 2, Article 28 A, (a) 1 (page 34). "The common security and defense policy shall be an integral part of the common foreign and security policy. It shall provide the Union with an operational capacity drawing on civilian and military assets. The Union may use them on missions outside the Union for peace-keeping, conflict prevention and strengthening international security in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter. The performance of these tasks shall be undertaken using capabilities provided by the Member States";
And Article 28 B 1 adds that "tasks . . . shall include . . . tasks of combat forces in crisis management, including peace-making and post-conflict stabilisation. All these tasks may contribute to the fight against terrorism, including by supporting third countries in combating terrorism in theire territories."

(c) 3. Member States shall undertake progressively to improve their military capabilities. The Agency in the field of defence capabililities development, research, acquisition and armaments (hereinafter referred to as "the European Defence Agency") shall identify operational requirements, shall promote measures to satisfy those requirements . . . .

(c) 5. The Carte Blanche Enabling phrase -- "The Council may entrust the execution of a task, within the Union framework, to a group of Member States in order to protect the Union's values and serve its interests."

(c) 7. (one of the 'Warsaw Pact' phrases) "If a Member State is the victim of armed aggression on its terirtory, the other Member States shall have towards it an obligation of aid and assistance by all the means in their power. . . ."

In other words, the Member States must increase their military capabilities under EU direction and leadership, providing the EU with "civilian and military assets" to intervene anywhere in the world -- including the territory of a Member State.

"Conflict prevention", "strengthening international security", "crisis management", "the fight against terrorism", and "protect the Union's values and serve its interests" could justify any kind of military intervention and aggression -- outside the European Union, or inside the EU.


V. Imperialism --- The European Union has sent a military force to the Congo, siding with the Congo Army. The Congo sits on an immense oil basin and is rich in gold, diamonds, cobalt, uranium, copper, zinc, germanium, manganese, and extremely rare industrial minerals such as berylium, nickel, tantalum, etc., not to mention vast agricultural resources.
It would be naive to think that the Corporate Cartel-dominated EU has any real objectives other than that enormous wealth of the Congo.

Clause 157, Article 188 B (a) "Common Commercial Policy".

The Union shall contribute to "the progressive abolition of restrictions on international trade and on foreign direct investment, and the lowering of customs and other barriers".

This means that countries, especially Third World countries, cannot protect their economies and businesses, working classes, or environments against EU multinational corporations. The EU's corporate Cartels demand the same carte blanche from foreign countries as the EU demands from its Member States.

Germany -- Never forget Germany's re-militarization and traditional belligerence in foreign affairs, with 150 years of military aggression against its neighbors. Germany is one of the two Axis Powers dominating the militarizing European Union. And the corporations dominating Germany today are the same ones that enthusiastically supported German military policy in 1914 and 1938-45.

In short, War, not Peace, can be expected from the European Union.


VI. Tightening the Executive (European Commission) Dictatorship, even further Centralization of Power

Many provisions in the Lisbon Treaty further strengthen the unelected, unaccountable, corrupt & despotic European Commission, and weaken the already hapless, effete and ridiculous European Parliament. (MEPs are allowed to speak for 90 seconds, then the EU warden turns off their microphone.)

Qualified Majority Voting, eliminating many of the Member States' veto powers, is just one of them. The creation of an unelected, unaccountable (to the People or Parliament) President and Foreign Minister are others.


VII. Gestapo clauses -- a European Police State

There are no protections for personal freedoms, civil rights, or democratic institutions in the Lisbon Treaty. On the contrary, the Police (and EU Executive) are above the law.

Clause 67 "Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters"
Article 69 B, 1. (page 65) "The European Parliament and the Council may, by means of directives adopted in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure ((this simply means that, except in extraordinary circumstances, only the despotic European Commission can propose legislation)), establish minimum rules concerning the definition of criminal offences and sanctions in the areas of particularly serious crime with a cross-border dimension resulting from the nature or impact ((a carte blanche word)) of such offences or from a special need to combat them on a common basis."

Since EU law is superior to the laws of the Member States, clause 67 gives the EU command of the important Criminal Justice matters in the Member States, both defining what is crime and what the punishment.

The Article goes on to specify, among a number of items, "terrorism", the excuse for targeting protestors and political-economic opposition (as the American corporate-political henchmen were accustomed to damning liberal opposition as "Communist").

Article 69 C: "The European Parliament and the Council, acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure ((i.e. under the direction of the Commission)), may establish measures to promote and support the action of Member States in the field of crime prevention. . . ."

Article 69 D: "Eurojust's ((an EU agency to reinforce Europol)) mission shall be to support and strengthen coordination between national investigating and prosecuting authorities in relation to serious crime affecting two or more Member States or requiring a prosecution on common bases, on the basis of operations conducted and information supplied by the Member States' authorities and by Europol."

Clause 68, "Police Cooperation". Article 69 G, 1 "Europol's mission shall be to support and strengthen action by the Member States' police authorities and other law enforcement services and their mutual cooperation in preventing and combating serious crime affecting two or more Member States, terrorism and forms of crime which affect a common interest covered by a Union policy. ((in other words, practically anything))".

Thus the EU (e.g. via Europol, or even a military task force) can intervene in the field of operations. Note in this regard that the European Arrest Warrant is already a fact, enabling the EU to snatch persons out of their country and subject them to rules different from those of his or her country.

The Lisbon Treaty therefore authorizes a sweeping control by the EU of a nation state's criminal law process.

Clause 223, Article 240a (page 110): EU Executive's Immunity from Prosecution and Legal Redress, and the Immunity of the entire Police Apparatus

"The Court of Justice of the European Union shall not have jurisdiction with respect to the provisions relating to the common foreign and security policy nor with respect to acts adopted on the basis of those provisions."

Article 240b: "In exercising its powers regarding the provisions of Chapters 4 and 5 of Title IV of Part Three relating to the area of freedom, security and ((criminal)) justice, the Court of Justice of the European Union shall have no jurisdiction to review the validity or proportionality of operations carried out by the police or other law-enfocement services of a Member State or the exercise of the responsibilities incumbent upon Member States with regard to the maintenance of law and order and the safeguarding of internal security."

Thus the EU Executive and the entire police and security apparatus are immune from legal redress by means of EU institutions.. And since EU law is superior to the laws of the Member States, an innocent person or aggrieved party would have no recourse to their own national law.

In other words, a Gestapo (including secret police) and the (already virtually dictatorial) Executive Power behind it are above the Law. Here is a clearly expressed legitimization of police-state Tyranny.

Clause 211 (a) (page 107): European Commission (page 105): Special Courts (page 107)
Article 225a : "The European Parliament and the Council, acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure (((hence this has been placed in the "Commission" section)) may establish specialised courts . . . ."

Nothing specific is said about such "specialised courts". But it gives another carte blanche to the EU to set up whatever types of courts they want. One inevitably thinks of Military Tribunals dispensing summary 'justice' (see Guantanamo).


VIII. "Final Provisions". Article 3.

"This Treaty is concluded for an unlimited period."

So, the lights go out -- forever.

P.S. This Document reveals the dark, sinister mind and heart of the European Union and the corporate Cartels that use it as their tool.

Even if the EU drops the Lisbon Treaty, as it did the very similar Constitution, They will continue with one trick after another until They acquire the police-state Empire They want. And if They obtain sufficient military resources before their political tricks work, then They may employ a Military Solution.

(( In the case of Britain, the EU through its New Labour accomplice has been subverting the British Military. Once this process has gone far enough, the British Isles will be defenseless. Every freedom-loving person in Europe has a stake in the British People's gaining control over their own Military. I cannot help but think, that as long as British democracy holds out, there is hope for Europe. ))

The ONLY way to rescue ourselves is to educate and politically activate the General Public regarding the EU, and the ONLY way to do that is by means of Grassroot Public Education Campaigning. (especially Door-to-Door and making major efforts in the Universities.

We recommend a basic A4 leaflet and shorter leaflets, Subject Matter info on Side-A, & "What Exactly We Can Do About It in a little Sparetime" on Side-B, a good graphic on both sides, and accompanied by a few verbal sentences telling recipients why you are handing out the information -- and mention the welfare of their children and grandchildren.)

Side-B must contain a request to pass on the information to family, friends, acquaintances, etc., and to request that their recipients do the same. This contributes to a self-generating and de-centralized Chain Process.

Speakers are badly needed. Give talks whenever you have the opportunity. The spoken word is wonderfully personal and effective.

Films are excellent modes of communication. Videos can be made rather cheaply, I believe.

In these ways, we create our own grassroots mass media.

Note that people's hearts and minds can overcome the worst, the most powerful Tyrannies. Pinochet's fascist tyranny in Chile collapsed when enough Chileans had had enough. The Berlin Wall crumbled as a result of popular indignation. Even Nazi Germany at the height of internal power felt seriously threatened when a few students at Munich University began to distribute leaflets against the regime. (I refer to the heroic Hans and Sophie Scholl and their friends. There should be an international holiday in their honor, the students of the White Rose.)

Educate and politically Activate the General Public via Grassroots Public Education Campaigns. Here is the ONLY way to defeat the pro-EU influence of a corrupt, traitorous political system, and corporate mass media Thought Control.

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